Thursday, May 18, 2017

Konecranes - Nationwide Jobs

Hello Military Placement Professionals! Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™, serving a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. Regardless of your lifting needs, Konecranes is committed to providing you with lifting equipment and services that increase the value and effectiveness of your business. Konecranes has an 80 year history in the heavy lift industry. Konecranes provides sales, service, and support of heavy lift equipment across several industries. We have created custom equipment to support our client diverse needs in Automotive, Energy, Manufacturing, Mining, Nuclear, Petrochemical, Ports, Power, Pulp & Paper, shipyards and steel industries. Konecranes products consist of Overhead Cranes, Hoists, Lift Trucks, Nuclear Cranes and Equipment, Port Cranes, Container Handling Equipment, Shipyard Cranes, Bulk Handling Equipment, Workstation Lifting Systems as well as Portal and Storage Yard Cranes. I’ve attached a spreadsheet that represents all of the positions we have open nationally today. I encourage you to review and share with your colleagues. I’m also including several of our most common job descriptions for consideration and sharing with the veterans as well. Please encourage the veterans to select Military as a resource when applying. Job Synopsis: Industrial Electrician Technician/Industrial Maintenance Technician- Seeking 1 or more years of experience in an industrial or equivalent military environment. Performing troubleshooting of 480 VAC 3 phase motors and controls. Requires GED or High School Diploma, valid driver’s license and good driving record and a respect of heights. Service Planner- Is responsible for the service and inspection of all sold work. Procure and coordinate required materials, parts, equipment and sub-contractors for work assignments. Monitor and report any potential warranty or credit requests to the Service or Operations Manager prior to authorizing work. College diploma in business or electro/mechanical field, with leadership and management ability. 2-3 years’ experience in technical support role. Related experience will be considered. Maintenance Planner - Engage in various sales activities to sell service including planned repairs, components, modernization and new equipment to existing customers and develop new accounts in order to meet minimum established sales quotas. Plan/assign/manage field labor hours to maximize profitability and productivity (direct labor average) at or above budgeted minimums without compromising safety or quality. Maintain open orders on the dispatch board. Review performance of service jobs to ensure quotations accurately project labor hours, travel costs, rental costs, procured items, etc. Analyze and report to management any significant deviations from original job plans or scope of work changes. Technical Associates degree or equivalent required. Bachelor’s degree is preferred. For more information about these opportunities please contact me via or you may call me directly at 866-203-8227 X809-2674! You are always welcome to share our contact information with the veterans and spouses. I we are open and available to their calls e-mails and questions. Let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks! Haley ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haley Leaks, ACIR, CDR, CMVR, CSMR, CSSR, PRC | Military Recruiting Program Konecranes powered by ADP 866-203-8227 x 809-2674 3401 Technology Drive, Findlay, Ohio 45840 Konecranes USA Job Openings as of 5-9-2017 POC: Haley Leaks- Konecranes Military Program Manager Position # Position Title Location Location State Email: or 866-203-8227 x 809-2674 3058 Branch Manager - Decatur Decatur, AL Alabama 72211 Branch Administrator - Mobile Mobile, AL Alabama 72239 Portal Crane Service Electrical/Mechanical Technician Birmingham, AL Alabama 72252 Service Planner - Decatur Decatur, AL Alabama 72268 Service Planner - Mobile Mobile, AL Alabama 72286 New Business Development - Mobile Mobile, AL Alabama 72293 Key Account Sales Birmingham, AL Alabama 72299 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Mobile Mobile, AL Alabama 2888 Site Lead/Electrical Technician - Morenci Mine Phoenix Mining, AZ Arizona 2958 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Little Rock Little Rock, AR Arkansas 72265 Field Supervisor - Little Rock Little Rock, AR Arkansas 3022 Overhead Crane Inspector - San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA California 72117 Maintenance Planner - Livermore Livermore, CA California 72118 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Livermore Livermore, CA California 72123 Industrial Maintenance Technician - San Diego San Diego, CA California 72129 Inside Sales Rep - Livermore Livermore, CA California 72300 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA California 72072 Inside Sales Rep - Denver Denver, CO Colorado 72289 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Denver Denver, CO Colorado 72149 Industrial Electrician Technician - East Berlin North Haven, CT Connecticut 72186 Inside Sales Rep Jacksonville, FL Florida 72263 Inspector Jacksonville, FL Florida 72307 Industrial Electrician Technician - Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL Florida 72308 Industrial Electrician Technician - Tampa Tampa, FL Florida 72230 Field PLC Engineer - Ports Savannah, GA Georgia 72251 Industrial Electrician Technician - Atlanta Atlanta, GA Georgia 72278 Service Manager Atlanta, GA Georgia 72179 Branch Administrator - Chicago Chicago, IL Illinois 72323 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Chicago Chicago, IL Illinois 72324 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Chicago Chicago, IL Illinois 2931 Industrial Electrician Technician - Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Indiana 72046 Industrial Electrician Technician - Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Indiana 72205 Industrial Electrician Technician - Evansville Evansville, IN Indiana 72206 Industrial Electrician Technician - Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Indiana 72221 Industrial Electrician Technician - Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Indiana 72262 Crane Inspector - Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN Indiana 72312 Industrial Electrician Technician - Evansville Evansville, IN Indiana 72098 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Des Moines Des Moines Iowa 2936 Inside Sales Rep - Kansas City Kansas City, KS Kansas 72071 New Business Development - Wichita Wichita, KS Kansas 72273 Maintenance Planner - Kansas City Kansas City, KS Kansas 2714 Industrial Electrician Technician - Georgetown Lexington, KY Kentucky 2742 Field Service Engineer - Machine Tool Services Erlanger, KY Kentucky 3003 Industrial Electrician Technician - Georgetown Lexington, KY Kentucky 3039 Industrial Electrician Technician - Georgetown Lexington, KY Kentucky 72021 Industrial Electrician Technician - Georgetown Lexington, KY Kentucky 72159 Industrial Electrician Technician - Louisville Louisville, KY Kentucky 72167 Site Supervisor Somerset, KY Kentucky 72180 Industrial Electrician Technician - Louisville Louisville, KY Kentucky 72253 Technician Georgetown, KY - Toyota Kentucky 72259 MDP Service - Georgetown, KY Lexington, KY Kentucky 72302 Inspector - Paducah Paducah, KY Kentucky 72313 Industrial Electrician Technician - Louisville Louisville, KY Kentucky 2572 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Monroe Monroe, LA Louisiana 72329 Inside Sales Rep - South Louisiana South Louisiana, LA Louisiana 72297 Industrial Electrician Technician Baltimore, MD Maryland 72053 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, MI Michigan 72177 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Novi Detroit, MI Michigan 72264 MDP Service - Novi Detroit, MI Michigan 72316 Management Development Program - Project Manager Detroit, MI Michigan 72189 Agreement Sales Representative - Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN Minnesota 72187 Branch Manager - St. Louis St. Louis, MO Missouri 72320 Safety Manager Kansas City, MO Missouri 3025 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Omaha Omaha, NE Nebraska 72256 Technician New York City, NY New Jersey 72257 Contract Sales Rep New York City, NY New Jersey 72235 Industrial Electrical Technician - Syracuse Syracuse, NY New York 72277 Industrial Electrician Technician - Charlotte Charlotte, NC North Carolina 72140 Industrial Electrician Technician - West Chester West Chester, OH Ohio 72198 Product Sales Manager -- Digital Services Springfield, OH Ohio 72233 Customer Service Manager Springfield, OH Ohio 72246 New Business Development - Toledo Toledo, OH Ohio 72247 Marketing Manager Springfield, OH Ohio 72250 Agreement Sales Representative Columbus, OH Ohio 72272 Sales Engineer Springfield, OH Ohio 72274 Accounts Payable Team Lead Springfield, OH Ohio 72275 Accounts Receivable Administrator Springfield, OH Ohio 72276 Master Data Maintenance Admin. Springfield, OH Ohio 72279 Marketing Assistant Springfield, OH Ohio 72280 Senior Accountant Springfield, OH Ohio 72306 Staff Accountant Springfield, OH Ohio 72311 Industrial Electrician Technician - Columbus Columbus, OH Ohio 72319 Safety Director Springfield, OH Ohio 72057 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Tulsa Tulsa, OK Oklahoma 72283 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Oklahoma City Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma 2379 R&M Regional Sales Manager - Northeast Territory Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania 72151 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Pennsylvania 72152 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Central PA Central Pennsylvania, PA Pennsylvania 72223 Inspector - Pottstown Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania 72254 Technician Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania 72296 Industrial Electrician Technician - Lancaster, PA Lancaster, PA Pennsylvania 72330 Inside Sales Rep Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania 72164 Industrial Electrician Technician - Columbia Columbia, SC South Carolina 2404 Service Technician - Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, SD South Dakota 2912 Industrial Electrical Service Technician - Memphis Memphis, TN Tennessee 2973 Port Service Technician - Memphis Memphis, TN (Ports) Tennessee 72044 Industrial Electrician Technician - Nashville Nashville, TN Tennessee 72045 Industrial Electrician Technician - Nashville Nashville, TN Tennessee 72079 Industrial Electrician Technician - Nashville Nashville, TN Tennessee 72103 Service Planner - Memphis Memphis, TN Tennessee 72141 Industrial Electrician Technician - Nashville Nashville, TN Tennessee 72174 Business Development Nashville, TN Tennessee 72243 Service Sales - Memphis Memphis, TN Tennessee 72285 Branch Manager - Memphis Memphis, TN Tennessee 3015 Overhead Crane Inspector - San Antonio San Antonio, TX Texas 72163 Service Planner - San Antonio San Antonio, TX Texas 72181 Estimator Houston, TX (Morris) Texas 72240 Warranty Project Manager Houston, TX (Morris) Texas 72267 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Dallas Dallas, TX Texas 72298 Industrial Electrician Technician - Frederick, MD/Gaithersburg, MD/Northern, VA Winchester, VA Virginia 72069 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Portland Portland, OR Washington 72231 Industrial Maintenance Technician - Portland Portland, OR Washington 72049 Industrial Electrician Technician - Huntington Huntington, WV West Virginia 2850 Mechanical Engineer - MODS New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72096 Agreement Sales Rep - Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Wisconsin 72099 Industrial Service Technician - Menomonie Menomonie Wisconsin 72102 Machinist Watertown, WI Wisconsin 72113 Purchasing Agent- KNES New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72114 Product Engineer - Parts West Allis, WI Wisconsin 72172 Electrical Technician New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72182 Install & Service Manager - New Berlin New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72201 Project Manager - Nuclear New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72218 Project Manager - Engineered Modernizations New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72244 Crane Control Automation Engineer New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72269 Purchasing Administrator West Allis, WI Wisconsin 72270 Purchasing Administrator West Allis, WI Wisconsin 72271 Lead Mechanical Engineer New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72281 Technical Trainer New Berlin, WI Wisconsin 72322 Management Development Program - Service - Midwest Region Appleton, WI Wisconsin 72328 Control Panel Test Technician Watertown, WI Wisconsin